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Community Organizations

Historical Society

The Tea Area Historical Society was organized in 1999 to preserve Teas community history and to share the history with members of the community.

The societys largest project has been establishing a museum in the building that formerly housed St. Nicholas Catholic Church. The churchs social hall and kitchen provide a meeting area for the historical society, family reunions, Tuesday card playing and visiting for senior citizens, pancake meals, Lions Club and more.

In 2002 the society published Time for Tea, a book of over 400 pages with nearly 750 pictures and about 360 family stories. Books are still available.

Along with restoring Teas history, the society manages to find time to host events. The selection and crowning of Ma and Pa Teapot and the pancake breakfast are held during Teapot Days. On New Years Eve the Speckndicken Supper is held to add to the fundraisers.

The current major project is restoring the 1937 Chevrolet donated to the society by the Harvey and Ethel Bossman family.

The society meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month, except January and February, at 7 pm in the social hall of the museum. Anyone is welcome to attend. Officers are President Marlys Bergjord, Vice President Luella DeJong, Secretary Verlyss Jacobson and Treasurer Carroll Barnes. The museum is open on an "as needed" basis. Call any of the officers for a tour.

To reserve the social hall for a meeting or gathering, please contact Vicki Pick at 351-4918.

Lions Club

Lions are an international network of 1.3 million men and women in 202 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Known for working to end preventable blindness, Lions participate in a vast variety of projects important to their communities. These projects range from cleaning up local parks to providing supplies to victims of natural disasters.

Board meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of every month starting at 7 pm at the Tea Community Hall located at 200 W. Maple St.

Contact President Joyce Klinghagen.

Community Foundation/ Scholarship Committee

Tea Area Community Foundation
Tea Area Community Foundation(TACF) provides grants to area non-profit organizations whose purpose is to support a charitable, community enhanced, education, or scientific program or activity. Grant applications are accepted in January of each calendar year with the funds awarded in April. For an application or if you have any questions please contactEric Saugstadat

Tea Area Scholarship Fund
Also a newer organization, the Tea Area Scholarship Fund awards a scholarship to a Tea Area student graduating from high school who plans to attend a college, university or vocational institute. Applications for the scholarship are available in January at the Tea Area High School counselors office, application deadline is March. Contact Sandy Cheney at (605) 261-3872, PO Box 153, Tea, SD5 7064.

Approximately $11,000 can be awarded to non-profit community organizations with projects that enhance the lives of Tea area residents. This is made possible due to the generous contributions of community residents and businesses over the past 10 years.

The Tea Area Community Foundationis an endowment fund of the Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation established solely to benefit Tea area residents.

Scouts, church-related organizations, school associated groups, Fire Dept., Police Dept., Lions, American Legion, and Tea Area Food Pantry are a few examples of organizations encouraged to apply for grants from this Fund.

Tea Community Club

The Tea Community Clubs mission is to raise funds for the Tea Area School District to provide Educational opportunities in th from of projects, equipment, awards, assemblies and materials that are not funded by the district. The Tea Community Club meets in the High School Commons twice a month and everyone is encourage to attend. Please contact Joan Mvllvenna at (605) 498-3238 for more information.

TAPPS - Tea Area Parents for Prom Safety

Tea Area Parents for Prom Safety (TAPPS) was formed in May 2007 after a high number of alcohol related deaths in the State of South Dakota occurred. A dedicated group of parents formed the group to provide Tea Area students with a drug and alcohol free event. The group held their first after prom party in 2008 entertaining them with a hypnotist, DJ/Karaoke, games, food and prizes. The night ended with breakfast being served by the Tea Fire Department.

The groups fundraising activities include: baseball concessions, Pizza Ranch, school concessions, selling tattoos for homecoming, Tea Pot Days and Tour De Kota.

Anyone can join the group. All junior and senior parents/students are considered members and will be asked to help with fundraising. Please contact Joan McIlvenna at (605) 498-3238 for more information.

Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts

Cub Scouting means "doing." Activities are used to achieve the aims of Scoutingcitizenship training, character development, and personal fitness. Apart from the fun and excitement of Cub Scout activities, the Cub Scout Promise, the Law of the Pack, and the Cub Scout sign, handshake, motto, and salute all teach good citizenship and contribute to a boy's sense of belonging.

Jim Johnson:(605) 498-1880

Boy Scouting is available to boys who have earned the Arrow of Light Award and are at least 10 years old or have completed the fifth grade through 18 years old. The program achieves the BSA's objectives of developing character, citizenship, and personal fitness.

Nick Miller:(605) 940-2477

Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts is dedicated solely to girls - all girls - where, in an accepting and nurturing environment, girls build character and skills for success in the real world. In partnership with committed adult volunteers, girls develop qualities that will serve them all their lives, like leadership, strong values, social conscience, and conviction about their own potential and self-worth. Girl Scouts is open to girls entering kindergarten through senior year of high school.

Contact Gloria Woodring at 605-498-2008 or Dakota Horizons at 605-336-2978.

TASDA - Tea Area School District Association

TASDA or the Tea Area School District Association is a 501-3c organization that serves as an umbrella organization for the school district so that any contributions can be tax deductible. They continue to offer this umbrella to all of the various fundraising efforts such as Sports Boosters, Music Boosters, Tea Area PTO, After Prom, etc. They meet the first Tuesday of each quarter at the MS/HS Commons at 7:30 PM. The meetings are always open to the entire community and residents are encouraged to attend and offer their ideas and support.

Three of the key efforts by TASDA have been the annual Tea Time Golf Tournament that is held each year on the second Sunday of June at Bakker Crossing Golf Course, the push to utilize corporate matching funds when people do make donations and the establishment of a community education program. The golf tournament is in it's seventh year and raises several thousand dollars for the school district each year. Over $1500 in matching funds was received from donations in each of the past several years. This number has the potential to grow significantly as more and more people utilize their company's matching programs. The community education programs are just starting to be developed. As more interest develops these programs will expand. Come and join us, get involved. We're doing it for our community.

City Hall

City of Tea (605) 498-5194 600 E. 1st St. Tea SD 57064 US 42.78634000 -96.93182500