Police Department
The Tea Police Department is a 24-hour law enforcement agency handling over 5,000 calls throughout the year. The department consists of 12sworn full-time police officers, six sworn part-time officers, and one non-sworn personnel. We serve a community of approximately 7,000 residents, several businesses and attend numerous community events.
Operations is divided into two divisions: Patrol and Criminal Investigations
Special Operations is comprised of: School Resource Officer, Community Engagement Officer, Crime Prevention and Crime Free Multi-Housing
Our officers hold and maintain specialty certifications such as: Field Training, DUI Instructor, Drug Recognition Expert, RADAR/LIDAR Instructor, Crisis Intervention, Verbal De-escalation, Paramedic, EMT, Taser Instructor, Use of Force Instructor, Firearms Instructor and a host of others.
Our Department Staff
Chief Jessica Quigley - jquigley@teasd.org
Sergeant Brian Crosby - bcrosby@teasd.org
Support Staff Brian Tvedt -btvedt@teasd.org
Detective Aaron Furth -afurth@teasd.org
Officer Parker Christensen -pchristensen@teasd.org
Officer Adrian Hoesli - ahoesli@teasd.org
Officer Alexi Miranda - amiranda@teasd.org
Officer Marcus Van Lingen -mvanlingen@teasd.org
Officer Aaron Furth -afurth@teasd.org
Officer Taylor White -twhite@teasd.org
Officer Grey Tracy -gtracy@teasd.org
Officer Avery Fenne -afenne@teasd.org
Crime Stoppers of the Sioux Empire
Crime Free Multi-Housing
Tea Police Department Facebook Page
Online Report Portal
2024 Annual Report